Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act (S 138) – This bill was introduced by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) on Jan. 30, 2023. It establishes a statutory definition of Tibet that includes areas currently claimed by China. The legislation also expands efforts to combat Chinese government propaganda, such as disinformation about Tibet’s history and institutions. The bill passed in the Senate on May 23 and in the House on June 12. It is currently awaiting enactment by the president. No Hidden Fees on Extra Expenses for Stays Act of 2023 (HR 6543) – Introduced on Dec. 1, 2023, by Rep. Young Kim (R-CA), thisRead More →

FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 (HR 3935) – This bipartisan bill reauthorizes funding and direction for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSBB) for another five years. The legislation is designed to improve air travel safety, provide increased protections for consumers, hire more people to the aviation workforce, and modernize the U.S. national airspace system for the future. It authorizes more than $105 billion for FAA funding through fiscal year 2028. The bill passed in the Senate on May 9, in the House on the next day, and was signed by the president on May 16. Maternal and Child HealthRead More →

Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024 (HR 8035) – Introduced on April 17, this bill authorizes $60 billion to provide military aid to support Ukraine in its war against Russian invasion. More than a third of this allocation will fund U.S. manufacturing for the replenishment of weapons, stocks and facilities. The bill passed in the House on April 20, in the Senate on April 23, and was signed by the President on April 24. The President indicated that up to $1 billion in weapons supplies for Ukraine would begin delivery within hours. Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024 (HR 8034) – Introduced on April 17,Read More →

Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (HR 4366) – On March 9, the president signed the latest appropriations bill passed in time to halt a government shutdown. While this bill does authorize funding through the end of the fiscal year (Sept. 30), it only addresses six of the 12 bills necessary to fully fund the government. The recent legislation covers Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, Agriculture, Rural Development, the Food and Drug Administration, the Commerce, Justice and Science-related departments, the Energy Department, the Department of the Interior and the Environment, and Transportation, Housing and Urban Development. On March 23, the president signed the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024Read More →

The Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act (HR 815) – Formerly known as the RELIEVE Act, this bill was originally written to improve veteran eligibility for reimbursement for emergency treatment. However, the bill was altered to incorporate the Senate’s effort to combine new U.S. border policies with aid for wars abroad. On Feb. 13, the Senate passed this bill to provide $95.3 billion in aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. While the border policy portion of the bill was struck out, the Senate did manage to pass the foreign aid funding. The bill includes $4.83 billion to help deter China’s aggression against Taiwan, $9.15 billionRead More →

Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2024, and for other purposes (HR 2872) – Passed by both branches and signed by the president on Jan. 18, this is the third temporary resolution designed to avert a government shutdown until Congress can agree on appropriations for fiscal year 2024. The bill extends the government funding deadline to March 1 for four appropriations bills and another eight until March 8. Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2023, Part II (HR 6503) – This bipartisan bill was introduced on Nov. 29, 2023, by Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO). It extends certain Federal Aviation andRead More →

A joint resolution providing for Congressional disapproval under Chapter 8 of Title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to Small Business Lending Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (SJ Res 32) – This resolution was introduced on June 13 by Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA). It nullifies a rule issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) that requires financial institutions to collect and report credit application data for small businesses to the CFPB. The bill passed in the House and the Senate on Dec. 1, but President Biden has threatened to veto the resolution becauseRead More →

Protecting Hunting Heritage and Education Act (HR 5110) – This bill was introduced in the House on Aug. 1 by Rep. Mark E. Green (R-TN). The purpose of this bill is to ban federal funds from being used for weapons training in public schools, except in the case of training students in archery, hunting, and other school sports that involve shooting guns. The bill passed in the House on Sept. 26, the Senate on Sept. 27, and was signed into law by the president on Oct. 6. Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024 and Other Extensions Act (HR 5860) – This last-minute continuing resolution (CR) authorizes fiscalRead More →

MAHSA Act (HR 589) – The Mahsa Amini Human Rights and Security Accountability (MAHSA) Act is a bipartisan bill that was introduced on Jan. 27 by Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN). The purpose of this bill is to impose sanctions on the leaders of Iran for supporting human rights abuses and terrorism. The sanctions block both property and visas owned by certain foreign individuals and entities affiliated with Iran. The bill passed in the House on Sept. 12 and currently resides in the Senate. Fight CRIME Act (HR 3152) – This bipartisan bill was introduced by Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) on May 9. It imposes visa-Read More →

United States-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade First Agreement Implementation Act (HR 4004) – This bipartisan bill was introduced on June 12 by Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO). The purpose of this bill is to convey approval by Congress of the June 1 trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan. The bill addresses customs administration and regulatory practice issues, as well as dictates conditions for negotiations of subsequent trade agreements. Among its provisions, the bill requires that the U.S. Trade Representative share all negotiating texts with Congress prior to being sent to Taiwan or any parties outside of the executive branch. The bill passed in theRead More →